
  • How to Backup an iPhone to an External Drive with a Computer

    If third-party clouds aren't meeting your expectations, where else can you store your iPhone backup? You have two options: on a computer or external media.

  • How to Fix Windows Update Error 0x80240017 Easily

    The 0x80240017 error is more common in Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 when the user installs or updates applications from the Windows Store. Yet so far, the exact reason for the error 0x80240017 has not been found in the Windows Store. Below are some methods of using them carefully step by step in order to solve 0x80240017 error in Windows 10.

  • Installing A Crucial SSD on A Computer

    Installing a SSD on a desktop computer is an essential part of any computer design, or a simple upgrade to make your computer run faster. Luckily, installing an SSD is easier than finding the best one. Or even understanding how they work. I won't cover it here, but I will cover Crucial SSD and some of its top types briefly.

  • The Best Malware Removal Software for Your Windows PC

    It doesn't matter how careful you are with your computer. The fact is, there are so many ways that your PC will be attacked with malware that will sooner or later be attacked. Whether it's someone else's fault or your own fault, if your computer is attacked with malware, it will suffer. So, before it's too late, have a look at our list of the best malware removal software that not only keep your PC safe from malware, but also help you remove it if you are already influencing it.

  • Fix The 'Page Fault In Nonpaged Area' Error On Windows 10

    A page fault in the nonpaged area is considered to be one of the best known Windows error problems. This is an alarming sign that you are having software problems or something with your hardware. Check out the methods in the article to get rid of the error.

  • How Do I Fix Reboot and Select Proper Boot Device

    You are getting ready to start a long session. When you start your computer, you will see the error: Restart and select the correct startup device. What does that mean? Was my computer working fine when I turned it off and now it is no longer working? If your system restarts and you identify the appropriate hardware identification error, refer to the fixes in today's article.

  • How to Back Up and Restore PS4 with Latest MiniTool ShadowMaker

    Modern video games are epic adventures that usually require hours of dedication and perseverance. Unfortunately, your saved data can be corrupted, resulting in the loss of all your progress. To prevent this from happening to you, be sure to back up your saved data. Fortunately, Sony allows you to easily backup game data saved on PS4.

  • QLC vs TLC: Which is the Right Memory for You

    MLC and TLC are two types of storage solutions, based on voltages and spaces, allowing data to be packed into cells. It is a complicated IT process, but extremely important for the practical operation of the disk and its memory capacity. Which one is better on the market now?

  • Specifications Comparison: Crucial BX500 Vs MX500

    From time immemorial, Crucial has been providing really efficient semiconductor media, usually based on proven components, with decent warranty conditions and additionally attractively priced. The manufacturer's portfolio, however, is not overwhelmingly diverse, as it basically covers two families - MX and BX. The last representative of the lower category is the Crucial BX500, the weaker brother of the Crucial MX500, to which this article will be devoted.

  • How to Fix the Video Scheduler Internal Error in Windows 10

    The graphics card on your computer is a very important part of your computer. They are responsible for rendering many objects on the computer. But there may be occasions where rendering performance may degrade and your computer may trigger a blue screen error along with the message INTERNAL SCHEDULE ERROR. In today's post we will be discussing how to fix this issue.

  • How to Enable or Disable Driver Signature Enforcement on Windows

    A digital signature is an integral part of any operating system. When it comes to Windows, this topic simply cannot be ignored. The system requires a driver to understand that it belongs to a specific developer and is not meant to be fraudulent.

  • How to Migrate Your Windows Installation to a 3.5 Solid-State Drive

    The era of flash drives is behind us, now it's time for something faster - for efficient SSD memories, with speeds exceeding those known from disk drives. And also completely devoid of mechanical elements, which makes it much more durable. In our considerations, we will deal with 3.5-inch solid-state drives, dedicated to desktop computers due to their dimensions. Their size makes them unsuitable for internal drives for portable device such as laptops.

  • How Do You Use Xcopy to Copy all Files and Folders?

    When you copy and paste folders, all files and subfolders are copied with it. All files remain in their proper subfolders as they should. If you don't need to copy files, but just need to replicate the folder structure without creating folders manually, you should use Xcopy.

  • How to Back Up and Restore the Registry in Windows 10

    In Windows, some, if not all, advanced settings require you to edit or create some kind of registry keys. Editing the registry is relatively easy, but you can also mess it up and make mistakes. Therefore, it is always a good idea to back up the registry before making any changes to the registry. A backup copy helps you restore the registry if you don't like the changes you just made, or if you make a mistake while editing the registry.

  • What You Can Do When the Computer Won't Start

    Your computer won't start? Don't worry, there can be many reasons for this. The fact that the computer cannot be turned on may be caused by incorrect installation of Windows or drivers, as well as damage to one of the computer components. Nevertheless, situations when our laptop does not show signs of life or the computer does not turn on are not the most pleasant.

  • How Much You Know About Client Server Runtime Process

    The pandemic Csrss.exe file is also known as the client server runtime process which is part of the task manager. It is considered an important part of Windows. You will be able to interact with the user directly. But there are other functions that run in the background as well, whether you are using Windows 8, Windows 7, and also Windows 10.

  • Windows 10 Must Have Registry Tweaks 2021

    Windows users who want a convenient and efficient system will not do without manually adjusting the default configuration. Some fixes require intervention in the registry. In addition, you can equip the system with the functions you need by installing external tools.

  • How Do I Boot to Last Known Good Configuration on Windows 10/7

    Sometimes when you shut down your Windows computer, it gets stuck in the middle of it and won't be able to complete the shutdown process, or sometimes your computer may not be able to restart successfully. After restarting your computer manually, a screen will appear with various startup options. One of the options available will be Last Known Good Configuration or LKGC.

  • Top Reimage Repair Tools Review 2021

    Your computer plays a crucial role in your professional or personal life and you need it to run well. With regular system repairs and maintenance, you can ensure software performance and detect system problems early. That's why I shared the Reimage repair tool review here.

  • Can You Still Upgrade Windows XP to Windows 10 in 2021?

    If you are still using a PC or laptop running Windows XP, you should consider updating as soon as possible. In this article, I will explain how to upgrade your computer to Windows 10.

  • How to Fix 0x80070005 Error Code on Windows?

    Receiving error 0x80070005 while installing system update, updating Windows App Store or activating MS Office? This article shows you how to correct the Windows 0x80070005 error code.

  • Top Methods to Fix Microsoft Store Missing in Windows 10

    The Windows Store is Microsoft's marketplace for downloading apps. However, users can often encounter one or another problem when accessing and using the Store or Applications. This publication is about solving one of these problems that many users have encountered very often - that of a missing Windows Store. When you experience problems when running Windows Store apps, the Windows Store app troubleshooter is usually able to resolve issues. In this post, you will learn more ways to resolve the issue.

  • How to Use Clonezilla to Clone Windows 10 to A New Drive

    If you are tired of having to install an operating system, drivers and programs every time you format your computer's hard drive, try Clonezilla and an alternative in this post, both free tools that allow you to clone your hard drive and restore it with the operating system, drivers and programs after formatting the computer.

  • The Best Tricks to Back Up Your Photos

    Nobody likes to lose important records of their favorite moments. Therefore, even those who do not work with photography are always looking for viable options to ensure the security of their photos. Professional photographers should pay even more attention to the issue of how to back up photos. After all, your work is invaluable - and having a backup can help you immensely in many situations.

  • Tips to Make Fortnite Run Better on PC

    With so many updates, it is certain that Fortnite is already heavier than it was in the past. For this reason, we have put together a complete and updated guide for you who have a weak PC and are having trouble running the game. Some of the tips are geared specifically to the game's performance while others optimize the performance of your Windows as a whole.

  • SSD vs SSHD: Which is the Best Type of Hard Drive

    An SSHD is still slower than even a SATA SSD, but it's much faster than a regular old hard drive. Basically, if you want a lot of space at a reasonable price, SSHD is a good choice. If speed is your priority and you want Windows to respond faster, choose SSD.

  • How to Install SSD in Your Windows 10 PC

    The subsequent installation of an SSD hard drive has given your computer a new life, regardless of what processor you have. This occurs due to the read and write speeds offered by SSDs compared to mechanical ones. Our whole system goes much faster, but how to install an SSD? We explain it much more in the post.

  • How to Fix Potential Windows Update Database Error Detected

    Most updates are installed automatically in Windows. Unless the device owner pushes the updates manually. However, if you choose to install updates before the system automatically detects and installs them, you may occasionally experience problems. A potential error was detected in the Windows update database error occurs when Windows users access the Windows Update section and check for updates.

  • Error Code 0x80070005: How to Fix It

    When working on the computer, many users struggle with system errors that are sometimes troublesome. For this reason, many begin to panic as soon as the error message 0x80070005 appears on the screen. What is such a mistake, how to deal with it, beginners, obviously difficult to understand. However, if you familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experienced users, everything will immediately start working, it will be easy to figure out what the error 0x80070005 is and how to fix it in Windows 10.

  • How to Disable Automatic Updates in Windows 10?

    The computer has become an integral part of our lives. You don't need a lot of work to learn to use a computer properly. While Windows 10 updates often appear at unexpected and inconvenient moments, which makes us extremely irritated. In this article I will answer the question - how to disable Windows 10 updates?

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